Letter From Classic - American Metal Roofs Wisconsin

Letter From Classic

Dear Homeowner,

I have had the privilege and pleasure of being involved with residential metal roofing since 1980 when Classic Metal Roofing Systems began manufacturing the world’s most beautiful metal roofs. In addition to serving as President of Classic Metal Roofing Systems, I am Chair of the Metal Construction Association and I am also a founding member of the Metal Roofing Alliance. As such, I applaud you on your decision to investigate metal roofing.

It’s important to remember, though, that the product you choose is only part of the story. You also need the best when it comes to installation. You need a contractor who is professional and will be there when you need them – someone who has the desire, ability, and experience to always, from start to finish, look out for your best interests. For homeowners in your area, that contractor is American Metal Roofs of Northern Wisconsin.

I have known and worked with Ray Farmer, President of American Metal Roofs of Northern Wisconsin, for many years. Out of the hundreds, even thousands, of contractors I have worked with across the world, I can assure you that I never worked with anyone who cares more about their customers than American does.

Choosing the wrong contractor is a painful and costly mistake. Each year, I hear from countless homeowners who bought metal roofs from the wrong contractor. Their stories are heartbreaking, involving pain and financial damage that can linger for years. It is foolish to invest in a metal roof and not choose the best possible installation contractor.

For Northern Wisconsin homeowners, American Metal Roofs is the only way to go. They look far beyond just signing a contract and installing a roof. They will help you evaluate your current situation including any ventilation needs your home might have. They will help you choose the product which is best for your home and their careful attention to detail will create a long-term, worry-free roofing system. In fact, because of the experience and precision of their installation crews, we have never had a complaint about their workmanship. That is quite an accomplishment that sets them and their installers far ahead of the competition.

Again, thank you for considering our products. I can assure you that, along with Ray Farmer and his team, we will work hard to make certain that your next roof is truly an “American Classic.”

Warmest Regards,

Todd E. Miller

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