Church Roof Program | American Metal Roof of Northern Wisconsin

Church Program

Simply put...our roofs are permanent, cost effective and guaranteed.

green church roof

  • Beautiful.
  • Passes the toughest Hail Test UL 2218 Class IV.
  • Fire Resistant.
  • Passes 110 mph Wind Driven Rain Test.
  • Passes 150 mph Wind Uplift Test.
  • Energy Efficient - 34% less heat gain in the summer.
  • Sheds snow.
  • Can be installed over an existing layer of shingles.
  • Saves the Church hundreds of thousands of dollars in roofing expenses over the lifetime of the church.

Our Promise to You

church with spiresOur promise is to help you save money on your roof project. Churches have found installing a metal roof can save them hundreds of thousands of dollars in roofing related expenses over the life of the Church. We will thoroughly examine your roof structure and the associated systems so that we may educate you on all of your options. Our approach is not a “one size fits all.” We will do a turnkey roof system or we can provide you with the materials and knowledge to install your own your. Many churches have opted to cut their costs by completing part of the work themselves with the guidance of one of our staff. Whatever it takes, we will design a program to fit your needs. As the Mid West’s leading metal roof company, we have helped dozens of churches not just get a new roof covering, but solve roof problems and lower their utility costs. We utilize a 5 step process in our consultative approach.

  • An initial meeting with a few members from the building committee or board of trustees to look at your needs and wants. We will present many options and help you understand which products will be best for your building. At the initial meeting we will measure and examine the roof. Our consultants will bring equipment to do a thorough analysis of the attic moisture content and ventilation.
  • A proposal will be submitted.
  • Meet with the full board and many times with members of the congregation. This is to educate everyone about the condition of the building, what needs to be done and to cover recommendations.
  • Agreement is signed.
  • Fund raising meeting. Presentation to the church members outlining the improvements that will be made. This becomes valuable when you are asking members to contribute to a building fund.

By working through this process you are assured you are making the right choices; the church is involved and the funds get raised.

3 Ways to Own a Permanent American Metal Roof


  • Installed
    We offer a turnkey solution where we plan, coordinate, and install a new metal roof on your church
  • Do-It-Yourself
    Our DIY Program has helped many churches get an American Metal Roof on their church for less than half the cost of an installed roof. Take advantage of our years of expertise with your manpower and save. We will provide hands on training, phone support, consultation, and guidance.
  • Golden Hammer Program
    You can utilize our Do-It-Yourself program while renting a skilled craftsman to complete the areas you may not be comfortable with. You handle the areas you are comfortable with and we do the rest.

churchInterested in talking with us about a metal roof for your church? Give us a call at 920-434-4200 or visit our showroom.

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